Monday, 2 June 2014

inteRActive MAP

Last Saturday we went to Peñaranda de Bracamonte (CITA) to present our lastest project which is called "inteRActive MAP" in the I Encuentro de usuarios de Smartphones and tables en educación. It was a fantastic experience, three of my students from 2nd ESO and I explained how to create QR codes and Augmented Reality. We use the following apps: QR-droid and Aurasma in our mobile phones and Unitag and Aurasma Studio in our laptops.

If you look at this map of the UK and the Republic of Ireland you can see QR codes and images; if you scan the codes and the images you can see more than that:
- the green QR codes hide the name of a city and the population of this city.
- the red QR codes hide the name of the capitals and their population.
- the biggest QR codes hide audios telling the experience of some of my students in UK last summer.
- the images hide videos about the monuments, culture, music etc.
And also we have a book of the most important writers in English language, we used Calaméo to transform a powerpoint into a digital book.
Scan this QR and the image with your mobile phone and you find out what is in each one, you will be surprised:

Scan the code with QR-droid. You can see the biography of important writers like: Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Orwell, J.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.

Scan the image with Aurasma. This is a video of London Tourist Office to promote the London Eye.

Today our video has been published in the Revista Digital de la Junta de Castilla y León.

Have a look at the video:

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